
Modutec BL Series

The MODUTEC BL Digital panel meter gives you all the functionality you need with none of the extras you donโ€™t need. That means simplicity, easy readability, a small footprint, and a low cost.



Additional Information

Weight 2 oz
Dimensions .99 × 3.78 × 1.89 in

โ€ข Ultra-compact form factor
โ€ข Value priced
โ€ข 3.5 digit readout, full scale 1999 display
โ€ข ยฝ" tall digits on a high-contrast LCD
โ€ข Auto-polarity (-) displayed
โ€ข 13 pin connection, solder pad connections, or terminal block options available
โ€ข Easy to install bezel mount
โ€ข User-selectable decimal points
โ€ข Choose from a variety of input and power options


โ€ข Telecommunications
โ€ข Water Purification
โ€ข Sewage Treatment
โ€ข Flow
โ€ข Process
โ€ข Desalinization
โ€ข Temperature
โ€ข AC & DC Amps
โ€ข AC & DC Volts
โ€ข Line Frequency Monitor
โ€ข RTD & Thermocouple Temperature Inputs (Isolated only)

Performance Specifications

BL Isolated Power


Conversion Rate2.5 per second
Normal Mode Rejection≥40db 50-60Hz
Common Mode Rejection≥100db 50-60Hz (except isolated DC powered, which is ≥80db 50-60Hz)
Zero AdjustAutomatic
Tempco±200PPM/°C typical (except thermocouple inputs which are .1°/degree)
Warmup10 minutes

Power Options
115V +10%, -15% 50 to 400Hz at 2VA
230V +10%, -15%50 to 400Hz at 2VA
10 to 15VDC or 20 to 32VDC150mA (including backlighting)

Operating-20 to +60°C
Storage-30 to +70°C

DC InputsAccuracyInput ResistanceOverload Protection
200mVDC & 2VDC±(.1% +1 count) typical
±(.2% +1 count) maximum
≥100 MΩ200V continuous
300V intermittent
20VDC & 200VDC±(.1% +1 count) typical
±(.2% +1 count) maximum
1 MΩ350V continuous
500V intermittent
DC Current±(.1% +1 count) typical
±(.2% +1 count) maximum
200mV drop full scale3 times f.s. current

AC InputsAccuracyInput ResistanceOverload Protection
AC Voltage±(.5% +1 count) typical≥1 MΩ350V continuous
500V intermittent
5AAC Current±(.5% +1 count) typicalCurrent transformer3 times f.s. current
50AAC Current±(.5% +5 count) typicalCurrent transformer3 times f.s. current

Frequency InputsAccuracyDistortion
40.0 to 199.9Hz±.2Hz (40 to 70Hz)
±.5Hz (above 70Hz)
≤.1Hz for up to 20% third harmonic distortion
40 to 440Hz±1Hz ≤.1Hz for up to 20% third harmonic distortion

TemperatureInputsAccuracyInput ResistanceOverload Protection
Type J Thermocouple
-23°C to +649°C±(.1% +1 count) accuracy
±1.3°C conformity error
45 uV maximum per 100&ohms; thermocouple lead resistance200V continuous
Type K Thermocouple
-40°C to +815°C±(.1% +1 count) accuracy
±1.2°C conformity error
45 uV maximum per 100&ohms; thermocouple lead resistance200V continuous
Type T Thermocouple
-73°C to +315°C±(.1% +1 count) accuracy
±1.5°C conformity error
45 uV maximum per 100Ω thermocouple lead resistance200V continuous
100 Ω Pt. ∝=.00385
-130 to +315°C
±(.2% + 1 count) maximum1mA RTD current±5V
100 Ω Pt. ∝=.00385
-73to +98°C
±(.2% + 1 count) maximum1mA RTD current±5V


BL Non-Isolated Power


Digits3½ digits, 7 segments Backlit LCD 1999
Digit Height0.5" (12.7mm)
PolarityAutomatic (-) displayed
Decimal PointThree positions, external selection
OverloadThree lower digits blank for readings greater than 1999

Accuracy±(0.1% rdg + 2 count) with +5 and ±5V power
±(0.1% rdg + 1 count) with 9V power 2.5 per second
Conversion Rate2.5 per second
Common Mode Voltage Range±1V maximum
Common Mode Rejection>86 db
Zero AdjustAutomatic
Tempco100PPM/°C typical

Standard Analog Inputs
Full Scale RangeChoice ±200mV, ±2V, ±20V, ±200V, ±200µA, ±2mA, ±20mA, or ±200mA. Special ranges and engineering units available
ConfigurationTrue differential input and references
Ratiometric OperationAvailable on models BL-100, -130, -300, -330, -400, -430, -500, -530, -600, and -630
Protection250V DC or 150V RMS continuous; 300V intermittent, maximum
Bias Current1pA typical, 10pA maximum

Standard Power Options
+5V and -5VDC±5V ±5% @ 150 uA
+5VDC5V ±5% @ 3 mA

Connector Pin Designations
V+, V-Positive & negative connections for power supply
NCNot connected
TSTReturn for +5V power
COMInternal reference voltage return. Input common for 9V units
IN HI, IN LOSignal inputs
RFL, RFHDifferential reference inputs
ROH, ROLOn board reference terminals
D1, D2, D3Decimal point selection: Connect to V+ as follows:
L1, L2Backlighting power terminals: Connect as below.
Series 300, 400 (Green): L1 is negative input, L2 is positive
Series 500, 600 (red): L1 is positive input, L2 is negative

Backlighting Power Options (Series 300, 400, 500, and 600 only)
PowerVoltage RangeRed Current1Green Current1
5VDC4.7V to 5.25V maximum130mA to 200mADC
(165mA nominal)
75mA to 160mADC
(115mA nominal)
12VDC11V to 13V maximum50mA to 100mADC
(80mA nominal)
40mA to 80mADC
(60mA nominal)
24VDC22V to 26V maximum32mA to 50mADC
(40mA nominal)
20mA to 40mADC
(30mA nominal)

Series BL-100, 130, 300, 330, 400, 430, 500, 530, 600, 63013 connector pins, 0.025" square
Series BL-101, 131, 301, 331, 401, 431, 501, 531, 601, 63117 terminal connector block
Series BL-102, 132, 302, 332, 402, 432, 502, 532, 602, 6327 solder pads
Backlight power terminals2 solder pads

Operating2-0 to +50°C
Storage-20 to +70°C


  • Female connector for BL-100, 130, 300, 330, 400, 430, 500, 530, 600,630 series: Order 00-939033-091
  • For display hold function add suffix "-H" to catalog number
  • For coated board and solid front cover add suffix "-MI" to catalog number
  • For special OEM requirements, other input ranges, wider operating temperature, or other features, contact the factory


1: External resistor may be used to lower current requirements
2: Extended operating ranges available


BL Flat Packs


Digits3½ digits, 7 segments Non-Backlit LCD 1999
Digit Height0.5" (12.7mm)
PolarityAutomatic (-) displayed
Decimal PointThree positions, external selection
OverloadThree lower digits blank for readings greater than 1999
Low Battery"Low Bat" annunciator for <7.2V (9V power only)

Accuracy±(0.1% rdg + 2 count) with +5 and ±5V power
±(0.1% rdg + 1 count) with 9V power
Conversion Rate2.5 per second
Common Mode Voltage Range±1V masimum
Common Mode Rejection≥86db
Zero AdjustAutomatic
Tempco100PPM/°C typical

Standard Analog Inputs
Full Scale RangeChoice ±200mV, ±2V, ±20V.
Special ranges and engineering units available
ConfigurationTrue differential input and references
Ratiometric Operation-176, -177
Protection250V DC or 150V RMS continuous; 300V intermittent, maximum
Bias Current1pA typical, 10pA maximum

Standard Power Options
9V Battery9V isolated, 7.2-12V @ 150uA
+5V and -5VDC±5V ±5% @ 100 uA
+5VDC5V ±5% @ 3 mA

13 connector pins, 0.025" squareBL-177
15 solder padsBL-176

Operating10 to +50°C
Storage-20 to +70°C

Connector Pin Designations
V+, V-Positive & negative connections for power supply
NCNot connected
TSTReturn for +5V power
COMInternal reference voltage return. Input common for 9V units
IN HI, IN LOSignal inputs
RFL, RFHDifferential reference inputs
ROH, ROLOn board reference terminals. ROL on BL-176 only
D1, D2, D3Decimal point selection: Connect to V+ as follows:
BP, E1, B1, G1, ABCan be used for underrange and overrange signal for external auto ranging on the BL-176


  • Female connector for BL-100, 130, 177, 300, 330, 400, 430, 500, 530, 600,630 series: Order 00-939099-091
  • For display hold function add suffix "-H" to catalog number
  • For coated board and solid front cover add suffix "-MI" to catalog number
  • For special OEM requirements, other input ranges, wider operating temperature, or other features, contact the factory

1: Extended operating ranges available


BL-Isolated Datasheet
BL-Non-Isolated Datasheet
BL-Flat Packs Datasheet

How To Order

Please refer to the Datasheet in the Downloads section of this page.

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