The MEMS Inclinometer You’ve Been Waiting For

The MEMS Inclinometer You’ve Been Waiting For

In 2017, Jewell Instruments changed the game when we unveiled the single or dual-axis JDI-100/200 MEMS inclinometer. This low-cost MEMS sensor is the first to feature full temperature compensation across operating temperatures from -30° to +60°C with 0.004° relative accuracy, ±1° to ±60° measuring ranges, and 0.0001° digital resolution. It is also RoHS compliant to satisfy environmental standards. The super-sensitive JDI series now includes additional output and connector options, including wired, 8-pin, and dual Deutsch connectors. In addition to ASCII RS-485, the JDI now offers ASCII RS-232 and MODBUS RS-485 digital outputs. This positions Jewell’s flagship product as the most versatile digital tilt sensor for numerous applications.

Connection Options

The recently expanded JDI series now offers six different connection options. In addition to the original DB9 Connector, you can now purchase the JDI with an M12 connector, making it perfect for harsh environments that require a rugged connection such as construction, weapon platform leveling, equipment for the aerospace industry, and structural monitoring to mention a few. Choose a C06 circular connector for quick & robust connection. If your application calls for a wired connection, Jewell is prepared to offer not one but three wired options: Flying Leads, Deutsch, and Double Deutsch. The improvements did not stop there, though. We added new digital interface options for maximum versatility.

Digital Interface Options

After adding connection options, Jewell went further to deliver extra digital interface options. The original JDI offered an ASCII RS-485 output, but now you can select two additional options ASCII RS-232 and MODBUS RS-485. These new interface options allow the JDI to provide automatic dual-axis measurements of inclination via serial RS-232. Or use Modbus register banks over 2-wire RS-485, which communicate using the Modbus RTU protocol as a Modbus slave device. The JDI firmware with Modbus interface has been designed to simplify compatibility with other Modbus-RTU devices.

What it is Used For

With a lightweight aluminum enclosure and an IP67 seal (when mated to an IP67 connector), the JDI can serve many OEM and industrial applications. This sensor is used in industrial automation and control, construction and agricultural equipment, solar tracking, mobile cranes, platform leveling and positioning, mobile radar equipment, bridge monitoring, and more.

Our knowledgeable engineers are ready to help you choose the sensor that is right for you. With so many options to choose from, you are sure to find a JDI MEMS Inclinometer that perfectly suits your application.

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