

Overcoming Environmental Noise in Tilt Sensing Applications

Users of force balance inclinometers and tilt sensors can often see high noise in the field. Understanding the device is critical to solving the problem. A force balance inclinometer, or tilt sensor, is a high resolution, extremely accurate force balance accelerometer which is responding to the acceleration of Earth’s gravity to determine the angle of tilt….

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3 Questions That Determine the Correct Sensor Seal Rating

Whether precision measurements need to be taken in extreme temperatures, areas with vibration, noise, or even underwater, there is a sensor that is built for it. Many applications expose sensors to dust or moisture, but sealing is intended to protect the units from these harmful substances. If you’re wondering which sensor seal rating is needed in your application, here are three questions…

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How to Determine the Best Solution for Measuring Ground Displacement

You’ve been assigned to track the stability of a new underground tunnel system that is going to revolutionize the infrastructure of a large city with a quickly growing population. For this project, you’ll need to insert sensors within boreholes to track the sediment activity surrounding the tunnel walls. You need to determine which kind of…

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How Sensors Can Prevent Wind Turbine Downtime

The demand for renewable energy is only increasing as new technology solutions emerge such as electric cars on the streets and solar panels on rooftops. Clean energy is powering the future and wind is a key source of power for many communities. The Need for Preventative Maintenance Wind turbines have been popping up on land…

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Why Solar Trackers Depend on Inclinometers

The demand for renewable energy has grown as we seek to preserve our planet while harnessing its resources. The solar farm automation market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 18% between now and 2025 which means more solar farms will be popping up, worldwide. Many countries are investing in this form…

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3 Examples of How Important Inclinometers are for Construction Vehicles

Construction machines need to function with efficiency and safety, and an inclinometer is a vital component to control how they operate. Here are three examples of how construction manufacturers can use inclinometers to create a fine-tuned rig. 1. Road Profiling A smooth, comfortable ride on a newly paved road is an expectation. In order to…

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Why Choose a Wired Connection for Your Sensor?

When you’re trying to measure important movement in your project, you can’t afford to have the connection break down. You can connect your sensors using pin terminals and connectors, but if you’re looking for a durable yet cost-effective connection, consider a wired connection. Benefits of Wired Sensors Wired connections add advantages to your tilt or motion…

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How Inclinometers Keep High Speed Trains Upright

High-speed trains connect millions of people to far destinations with convenience and efficiency. Even though it may feel like the train is constantly traveling in a straight line, it isn’t. With precise technology, high-speed trains can take necessary turns without reducing speed, throwing passengers around, or tipping over. What happens as a train turns? When…

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Should Your Sensor Have a Connector or Pin Terminals?

Connectors and pin terminals are common and dependable connections that relay your readings from within the sensor to the screen in front of you. These two options each have advantages and limitations and deciding which is better for your application depends on some factors. Connector Benefits A connector is the better option when you need…

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3 Reasons Why MEMS Sensors are More Durable Than You May Think

MEMS has emerged as a cost-effective and high precision solution to some pretty demanding projects, including many industrial applications. Its accuracy can hold up to the test, but how about its durability? Will it be able to withstand the temperature or shock of your project? Temperature Range MEMS inclinometers and accelerometers bear a favorable temperature range of…

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