D5200 4-20mA Current Input Module


The D5200 four channel 4-20mA current input modules provide direct connection to four signals of the same input type with full scale input range of 0-25mA.

The 4-20mA input modules provide an isolated 15-bit measurement, analog to digital conversion and a linearized data output scaled into engineering units. The scaled data is communicated using either RS-232 or RS-485.

The D5200 series include user-selectable linear scaling of the ADC output data values to desired engineering units that match the application. For example, the D5200 can be rescaled for the 4-20mA values to be output as 0-100%. The user-selectable linear scaling applies to all four channels.

Additional 4-20mA input data acquisition modules are available with discrete I/O for ON/OFF control, along with others modules containing higher channel counts for measuring larger quantities of sensors.  The D1200 and D2200 series modules contain a 4-20mA input channel with discrete I/O bits.  The D6000 series modules contain higher channel counts for measuring 4-20mA signals.

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The D5200 four channel 4-20mA current input modules can be mounted on a DIN-rail using the MK-1 mounting kit.

Additional Information

Weight 2 oz
Dimensions 3.6 × 2.45 × 1.1 in

• Range: 4-20mA (0-25mA full scale).
• Accuracy: +/-0.04% of F.S.
• Resolution: 0.01% of F.S.
• Common mode rejection: 100db at 50/60 Hz.
• Zero drift: +/-1 count max (autozero).
• Span tempco: +/-50ppm/deg C max. • Voltage drop: <1.25V.


RS-232 Only, RS-485 Only

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