D1600 Frequency Input Modules


The D1600 modules measure frequency and pulse signals from industrial sensors. The frequency input modules can measure frequency signals between 1hz-20Khz. The pulse input modules measure the pulse width of signals between 100 microseconds and 30 seconds. Both unipolar and bipolar signals can be measured.

The D1600 series includes an accumulator version of the frequency and pulse input modules.ย  The accumulator versions measure the instantaneous frequency and totalize the number of cycles or pulses that the module has measured. An internal counter is used to count the number of cycles or pulses.ย  The counter can be read or cleared at any time. It can also be read and cleared at the same time. The frequency accumulator module measurement range is 1hz-10Khz.

The D1600M frequency input modules include one discrete digital input for monitoring contact closures or switches.ย The discrete digital input contains an internal pull up resistor and can accept +/-30Vdc signals without damage.ย The discrete switching levels are <+1Vdc = logic โ€œ0โ€, >+3.5Vdc equals a Logic โ€œ1โ€.

The scaled data values are communicated to a host computer via an RS-232 or RS-485.

Use the links below to download a D1000 Series Datasheet or Userโ€™s Manual.

Download Datasheet

Download Manual

The D1600 Frequency input modules can be mounted on a DIN-Rail using the MK-1 mounting kit.

Additional Information

Dimensions 3.6 × 2.45 × 1.1 in

โ€ข Input Impedance: 1megohm min.
โ€ข Switching Level: selectable 0V, +2.5V.
โ€ข Hysteresis: Adjustable 10mV to 1.0V.
โ€ข Input protection to 250Vac.
โ€ข One digital input (/Events counter on 160x and 161x modules).

Frequency and Timer Inputs

โ€ข Resolution: 0.005% of reading + 0.01Hz.
โ€ข Accuracy: +/-0.01% of reading plus +/-10uS.
โ€ข Tempco: +/-20ppm/deg C.

Events Counter Input

โ€ข Input Bandwidth: 60Hz, (optional 20Khz).
โ€ข Up to 10 million positive transitions.
โ€ข Input signal level without damage: +/-30Vdc max.

Accumulator Input

โ€ข Pulse count: Up to 10 million positive transitions.
โ€ข Resolution: 0.005% of reading + 0.01Hz (frequency).
โ€ข Resolution: 0.005% of reading plus 0.01uS (timer).
โ€ข Accuracy: +/-0.01% of frequency reading +/-0.01Hz.
โ€ข Accuracy: +/-0.01% of timer reading plus 10uS.
โ€ข Tempco: +/-20ppm/deg C.


RS-232 Only, RS-485 Only

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