
Emico Series 802

Series 802 are very small, low-cost, uncalibrated devices for indicating on-off conditions or voltage transition points. They are rugged, dependable, and require less than 2mW to move the flag or pointer. The two types are:

Flag Type (802F)  – A white flag moves from one end of the red & white scale to the other when a predetermined voltage value is exceeded. Provides on-off indication.

Pointer Type (802P) – A pointer moves across the scale to indicate circuit condition. The pointer may be factory set for left, right, or exact center position to indicate zero current. The center point can be specified for a given voltage (±5%) within the range of the device.

Either type can be made to operate with a Zener diode to indicate voltage changes as low as 1 volt.

Additional Information

Dimensions .406 × .468 × .406 in

• Miniature in size
• Instant response
• Flag or pointer type
• Economical

Performance Specifications

Face Size0.32" W x 0.25" H
Connections:Wire Leads - #30 stranded approximately 5½ long
Jack Pins - 0.04" diameter x 0.20" long
Coil Resistance800Ω ±10%
Full Scale Current802F - ≈ 1.2mA
802P - ≈ 1mA
Centerpoint Accuracy (802P):±5% of specified voltage
Minimum Operating Voltage:≈ 1V
Overload Capacity:More than 15x rated current



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