
Asphalt/Concrete Market

Jewell offers strain gauge-based sensors for asphalt and concrete.  These sensors utilize active elements in the Wheatstone bridge strain circuit and measure the axial strength in pavements and concrete structures in high frequency dynamic conditions. 


Structural Health Monitoring of Concrete Foundations, Dams, Tunnels and Bridges

Our CSG can be used in bridges to evaluate fatigue performance and potential for cracking of the suspender plates connecting the hangar cables to the deck and main suspension cable. Fatigue analysis of data in order to document existing stress level and stress variation in time under ambient conditions. These precise gauges monitor construction loading, monitor long-term performance

and verify design assumptions of bridges, tunnels, and many other concrete infrastructures. 

Pavement Response to Dynamic Loading

Strain data from our ASG is collected to help determine asphalt load stresses and load distribution factors. During testing, trucks with known weights are used along with a finite element analysis for verification of the behavior. The goal is to monitor pavement for long-term use on roads, airport runaways and bridges that have raised concerns, due to corrosion, overloading, or the presence of fatigue sensitive details.


Geo Markets Asphalt Concrete

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