

Quality is a team effort at Jewell Instruments, and everyone at Jewell is committed to the highest quality products.  We have sensors in the field still operational and being used for many years in critical applications and continue to support those products and customers. Jewell Instruments dedicates itself to constant improvement and continued development, and ensuring we have the right processes and systems in place.

By achieving ISO 9001:2015 certification, Jewell Instruments is better able to anticipate the demands of our customers and ensure they received a quality product. Additionally, we are also able to demonstrate our commitment to providing quality of service, effective cost, and timely delivery. Jewell Instruments will continually review our quality management system and quality policies.

Jewell Instruments has a commitment to continue investing in technology, development, processes, and procedures, and will consistently offering sensors and sensor systems that meet world-class standards.

The ISO certification also means that the sensors and sensor systems we provide are safe, reliable and qualify international standards, and that we follow well-defined processes that maximize both quality and increase efficiency.

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